wetPROTECT impregnated completely invisible almost all mineral surfaces and reduces strong to very strong moisture absorption of the treated substrate.
Lichen, mold, algae and moss reliably stopped. Any contamination of the machined surfaces are only made with fresh water, so that can hold the seal with wetPROTECT often 15 years or more. Also urine leaves no annoying spotty adhesions more.
Through special formulations, high-gloss surfaces such as marble and granite can also permanently seal.
wetPROTECT can renew at any time, the effect should diminish once.
The desired by the latest nanotechnology result of wetPROTECT is not comparable to conventional products that are touted with a lotus effect.
wetPROTECT is very economical and can be a treatment of up to 30sqm / 1l depending on the surface to.